LMS PTO Minutes 8-22-2023
9/12/2023 11:37 am
August 22, 2022
9:30 - 10:30 AM
Meeting called to order by Jana Mickey at 9:31
In Attendance: Jana Mickey, Roseann Morgan, Renee Rohe, (via speaker phone), Sarah Boeke, Dayna Breitenstein, Keiko Edgar, Jen Berndt, Melissa Corcoran, Michael Richards
Question to Renee by Melissa regarding a check from eight grade celebration from last year.
Eight grade celebration check has cleared for $4,000.00
- Introductions:
Everyone introduced themselves and everyone is VERY EXCITED TO BE HERE.
Discussed differences between MTE and LMS PTO and that everyone here is excited about working together whether they are brand new to this or an old pro.
- Approval of Minutes - Roseann
Move to approve the LMS PTO Minutes from May 2, 2023 by Roseann Morgan, second by Jen Berndt, approved by majority.
- Principal's Update
Michael Richards – update on spirit wear order. PTO received 174.00 from just 8/21 orders. Michael will update all the orders and what the PTO will receive..$3,996.00 of spirit wear has been ordered to date. $354.00 will go to the LMS PTO
Athletic spirit wear orders are 2,528.00 to date ordered, our cut of athletic spirit wear order is 219.00 but we have to give North a cut because they designed it.$573.00 of which some will go to North for designing it.
Coach gear cost $935.77
Total $6524.00 of which the PTO gets a percentage.
We purchased 18 items of clothing yesterday to give one item to each of our coaches at LMS. PTO will purchase this for them.
Dayna asked about the ability to hire outside vendors who might give us a bigger kickback for the items sold.
Motion that the monies that we make from spirit wear go to pay for the gear for the teachers and coaches by Sarah Boeke, second by Keiko Edgar, passed by majority.
Melissa Corcoran: All is going very well. New staff is doing great with the kids. The 6th grade class is the biggest ever! We missed by one kid to get another teacher. A Lakewood Middle school a 7th grade math teacher passed away over the weekend. We and the other schools are offering much support to her family and the school.
- President's Report
Move to update the LMS slate by Jana Mickey, second by Sarah Boeke, passed by majority. Slate is posted on web site.
- Slate Change and Vote
- Key Upcoming Dates
- Eagle Fest. Eagles Night Out.
- Monthly PTO Newsletter and FB Posts - ways to communicate
PTO newsletter will go out. Michael suggested to add it to our Eagle News and have the link to the toolkit in there. Patti would need the content by Thursday night, Friday by noon at the latest. Melissa can also share with the staff.
- Treasurer Report - Renee / Sarah
Review of Budget hand outs. Cash boxes need at least one person assigned per box and they have to stay with the box and be responsible for it’s contents at the beginning and the end of the evening.
Membership Eagle fund will be adjusted after the close of the books from last year…there will be a big change here in the numbers when that happens.
Change in the budget: Motion to approve the new budget by Jana Mickey, second by Keiko Edgar, approved by majority.
The PTO budget is posted on the PTO web site and any questions should be directed to the treasurer or the PTO president.
- VP Communications - Dayna B
Recap of Eagle Fest passed out by Dayna. They would love to get donations rather than have to pay for everything. We are doing most of the same stuff as last year. Donations are filling up which is great and we will probably charge less for stuff this year. We will have a DJ, he will run the cake walk. They walked the grounds to determine a better layout. Melissa said the Leawood Police Department will block off the streets around the school. Kona ice will come in later. Everyone can use the cash boxes and everything will cost a whole dollar amount so we don’t have to deal with change. Melissa will plug in about 6 staff members to chaperone the kids. Keiko suggested to ask the vendors to donate food to the people who are volunteering. Gift cards, etc.
How do we get other kids involved…maybe the middle school band, or jazz band, choir could sing the National Anthem. Would the spirit squad or eagle ambassadors like to create a banner? No balloon towers outside this year and probably not inside either. We have our step and repeat we can use. We could use the new flag we got from the 8th grade last year.
Dana Compagnone created an Amazon wish list.
- First Day Recap
- Anything we need to consider for next year?
- Eagle Fest
- .Food Vendors
- Communications/Marketing
- Volunteer Sign-up
- Family Ambassador
- .Principals, how can we best help new families?
Melissa suggested that the new families would like to be called. Not all incoming 6th grade families but families that are new to the area, no matter what grade they’re in. We have a budget of $500.00 for new family hospitality.
- VP School and Community - Anne D
- Staff Appreciation
- Overview of schedule for year
- Recap of first week activities
- Grants - Principals, when do these go to teachers?
- Staff Appreciation
PSAT 8 is now optional for 8th graders. No more map testing. We use Iready for math. Fast bridge will be the literacy component.
We need to know the numbers in order to approve anything for the headphones then we can approve at our next meeting. Or do a non-meeting approval.
Grants for large ticket items go through BDF but headphones, etc. can go through the PTO.
Question from Michael Richards. Gift cards for people who do extra duty for these events. They can fill out a ticket for a raffle to win these gift cards. For Eagle Fest and ENO they will automatically get a gift card rather than a raffle…but then we would have a raffle for a few additional cards.
Checks from the spirit wear fund are going into our gift fund.
- VP Ways and Means - Keiko E
- Fall Parent Social - dates?
- Restaurant Nights
Dates do not need to be approved by PTO but we need to have them at least a week in advance. PAPA JOHN will be October 12th.
- Spirit Wear
- Eagles Night Out
Date is October 20th first semester. Date for second semester is TBD. Late January/ early February would work well. Keiko will reach out to Lashawn because she is a doer and we would love to have her lead this effort. No inflatables, the district will not allow it.
- Any new ideas we want to explore? Principals, anything not an option?