December 2022
4/3/2023 11:00 am
December 8, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 9:00am.
In Attendance: Laura Yount, Sarah McQueary, Jana Mickey, Gina Cohen, Shannon Fisher, Renee Rohle, Melisa Van Buskirk, Melissa Corcoran and Michael Richards.
- Approval of Minutes
- Jana motioned to approve the minutes from the October, 2022 meeting. Renee seconded the motion. All approved and the motion was passed.
- President’s Report-Laura Yount
- Discussion of adding an ice machine in the Teacher’s Lounge for all staff use. Currently they do not have any access to ice.
- PTO purchased a blanket, coffee mug and Uber Eats gift card for Ms. Kottig. The 7th graders made a gift basket and cards for her.
- Austin Walter is in charge of sending something to Khalia’s family.
- Treasurer Report-Renee Rohle
- We have $5,000 set aside for Grants this year.
- Eagles Night Out was profitable this year due to there not being inflatables, the increase in ticket price to $15 each and the sales tax being included in the ticket price. Total income was $2,390.80. Next ENO, the committee needs to make the online link to pay active until 4pm the day of the event.
- Taxes are due for the 2021-22 year.
- VP Ways and Means-Gina Cohen
- No Report
- VP School and Community-Shannon Fisher
- Grants-Melisa Van Buskirk
- See attached Grants requests
- 3 teachers asked for headphones—approx. 300 sets. It was motioned by Gina Cohen that PTO approve 325 sets, not to exceed $500. Shannon Fischer seconded the motion. All approved and the motion was passed. Renee will give a check to the Principal and she will order all headphones.
- Ms. Lahasky requested $600 for a bluetooth speaker and monies for outside instruction from the KC area. Gina Cohen motioned to approve Lahasky’s requests and Shannon Fisher seconded the motion. All approved and the motion was passed.
- Ms. Brogna requested 30 math manipulatives. Jana Mickey motioned to approve the $89.67 for the math manipulative and Shannon Fischer seconded the motion. All approved and the motion was passed.
- Mrs. Choi requested $1,668.97 for looms and a local artist ($240) to come talk to the students about weaving. Gina Cohen motioned to approve Mrs. Choi’s requests. Shannon Fischer seconded the motion. All approved and the motion was passed.
- The 6th grade science team requested monies to purchase fossil molds for the new curriculum. We will revisit this next year to see if the district will pay for this OR add it to the PTO budget for 2023-24. Gina Cohen motioned to approve the monies for the fossil molds this year. Shannon Fischer seconded the motion. All approved and the motion was passed.
- The 7th grade math and science team requested rolling carts. The PTO Board does not feel these carts impact the students and Mrs. Corcoran said there are several carts in the office they can use. Therefore, the board denied this request.
- Mr. Solomon requested $480.00 to invite professional instrumentalists to assist band student groups. Gina Cohen motioned to approve and Shannon Fischer seconded. All approved and the motion was passed.
- The 8th grade science team requested molecular modeling kits for 50 students. Gian Cohen motioned that PTO approve 4 kits, for 100 kids for $140. Shannon Fischer seconded the motion. All approved and the motion passed.
- FACS requested 5 ice cream ($349.75) machines so that each kitchen will have it’s own machine. Gina Cohen motioned to approve the 5 ice cream machine and Shannon Fisher seconded the motion. All approved and the motion was passed.
- Ms. Robinson requested $125 to purchase number lines, magnetic grids and math games. PTO approved up to $200 for these purchases. Gina Cohen motioned to approve $200 and Shannon Fischer seconded the motion. All approved and the motion was passed.
- Not included on the Grant Request—Mr. Richards was saying that the rolling ball racks for PE are falling apart. PTO agreed to buy 2 new ball racks ($400) for the volleyballs and basketballs. Gina Cohen motioned to approve the $400 for new ball racks. Shannon Fisher seconded the motion. All approved and the motion was passed.
- VP Communications-Brittney Henderson
- No report.
Next meeting will be on January 18th at 9am.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:45am.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Sarah McQueary.